Thursday, September 20, 2007

Virtual Friends. Week 2

Ok. Its done and dusted. It came as no surprise that my manager subscribes to a raft of chat sites like Facebook & Bebo. But I'm still waiting to hear from her about Poke. Poke? Well, it has a few connotations. This is one site I won't be joining. Its not hard to set up a site. But WOW! So so time consuming. I still like the flesh and blood encounters - altho virtual customer service does have its merits. When I was enjoying an addiction to a rock competition a coupla years ago, I actually did go on line into a chat room to rave and angst about MY fav singers and how rotten the judges comments were etc. Crikey! I've even gone onto Oz Idol. No surely not. No that wasn't me. Well how can I tell? Its all virtual.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great progress, I agree I'm not sure that I want to be poked either